Original Item: Only One Avaiklable; The Fighting Devil Dogs (Republic, 1938). The Fighting Devil Dogs (Republic, 1938). One Sheet (27" X 41"). Chapter 4 -- "Cargo of Mystery." A rare one sheet for probably the only serial that ever came in under budget! They achieved this stunning feat by using not the customary one, but two "recap" chapters with no new footage and liberal use of "stock film" from an earlier Dick Tracy serial. This film also holds a key distinction in film history, displaying the first costumed "supervillain", The Lighting, who indeed was the direct inspiration for "Darth Vader." The insert photo with Brix has uncommonly crisp registration. Please see full-color, enlargeable images below for more details. Folded, Fine. Professionally framed and measures 28.5"x 2" x 42.5"