Magnetic Product Description:
This block magnet has a length of 50mm, a width of 50mm and a thickness of 12.5 mm. It has a magnetic flux reading of 2581 Gauss and a pull force of 46.2 kilos against 5 mm mild steel.
Uses for our rare earth block magnets:
The concise oxford dictionary describes hydraulic in part, ‘the science of conveyance of liquid through pipes.. .’ (or channels. Think of siphoning water for agricultural purposes, or canal locks for passage of boats from one water level to another).
The process of forcing liquid through a narrow opening creates energy. Hydraulic engineers are specialist tradespeople who supply and service hydraulic equipment, most often in the mining, fishing and rural industries. These powerful neodymium block magnets, 50mmx50mmx12.5mm, are often coupled with a machines hydraulic apparatus to assist in the task of engaging, lifting, carrying and releasing usually very heavy material.
The tipper function on a mining truck is engaged to tip its cargo out of its bucket and return the bucket to its resting or transit position, with the force transferred by large hydraulic arms mounted between the bucket and the truck's chassis.
Powerful block magnets are embedded in and around the hydraulic system to ensure a smooth and controlled operation. These loads can be hundreds of tonnes of rock and soil at a time on one mining truck. If the load were to shift quickly or unexpectedly the truck could be turned over or upside down.
Some large powerful block magnets are engaged to secure the bucket in its resting position, load or no load. As well as releasing on demand, magnetic engagement will disengage at a known force in an emergency. This function allows for one part of the truck to be sacrificed if necessary, (the bucket), to save another (the chassis) from more catastrophic damage (total). Other engagement or fastening systems really struggle to match this valuable characteristic.
Likewise, large fishing nets on commercial ships, loaded with sea creatures are dragged from the ocean's depths. Large block magnets allied to the ships hydraulic systems reel in the heavy catch in a slow deliberate action, designed to protect the fish, the nets and the ship itself. Hydraulics, like magnets, provide a force or a power that is much greater than appears at first glance. These traditional technologies, magnetism and hydraulic action have been scaled up to meet growing demand. Their power and simplicity are as useful today as they were to our forebears.
Agricultural industries also require machines, (like tractors) that use hydraulic and block magnet assemblages working in tandem to perform the myriad lifting, carrying and releasing tasks necessary on farms and stations. The ubiquitous and super helpful forklift relies on hydraulic and magnetic force to maintain its reputation as the little doer of industry everywhere.